°3 teaspoons of butter
°2 teaspoons of Parmesan
°1 teaspoon garlic powder
°1 teaspoon thyme leaves
°Freshly ground black pepper
°8-10 golden potatoes, cut to 1/16-inch tranches
First, preheat oven to 350 degrees F . Next, melting butter also using it to butter your muffin tin.
Next, cut golden potatoes into thin slices. When you’re done, put it in mixing bowl. Then adding melted butter, Parmesan & spices. Stirring mixture so that the potatoes are equally coated.
Now stack the potatoes and place them in every individual muffin c in muffin pan. Sprinkling salt also pepper on top.
Placing muffin pan in oven and bake for 55-60 mn
Once cooked, removing from oven and let cool for 5 mn. Garnish the prepared potato stack with Parmesan, thyme, or rosemary !
Enjoy !
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