to make a chicken and ham picnic loaf, you’ll need:
- 500g of chicken breast
- 500g of cooked ham (I bought a joint with no fat on it from Lidl for two or three quid – nice and easy!)
- two big bunches of spring onion
- a couple of big handfuls of either wild garlic leaves or rocket (washed)
- 1 bunch of dill (use dried if you prefer)
- 1 bunch of parsley (see above)
- 8 eggs
- lots of salt and pepper
Looking for good chicken breasts? You know we love Musclefood and I’d normally pop an advert in for our hampers, but actually, they’ve got something brilliant now – build your OWN hamper, choosing from whatever slimming or lean meats you need. Now there’s no excuses! Click here to have a gander.
Look though, you can customise this how you like. Add different herbs, spices, different meat…you’ll need a bog-standard load tin, lined with greaseproof paper. Give it a few squirts of oil if you’re not convinced it won’t stick. Pop the over onto 180 degrees.
to make a chicken and ham picnic loaf, you should:
- boil four eggs for twelve minutes or so until hardboiled, then leave to cool
- cook your chicken breasts – I went down the route of boiling them – worked really well – boil for fifteen minutes then allow to cool (make sure it’s cooked through)
- assembly time – cut the chicken breasts into small cubes – 1cm or so
- do the same with the cooked ham
- chop the spring onions nice and fine (including all the green stalks), chop the parsley, chop the dill and then chop the rocket/garlic
- you want nice uniform pieces of everything
- put everything into a bowl, beat four eggs with a load of salt and pepper, then stir everything together – you don’t want too much egg but if you think it is looking a bit dry, beat another egg into it
- press the mixture into a loaf tin about 1/3 of the way – really press it down, you want it compact
- lay your four cooked eggs on top and then put the rest of the mixture around and over the top – press it down as compact as you can
- if everything is ready to go, pop it in the oven for about fifty minutes until the top has browned off a bit, then allow to cool down – overnight in the fridge preferably
- slice and serve – it might be a bit crumbly but mine stayed together well! Enjoy!
This really is worth getting some wild garlic for if you can be arsed – and if you have any left over, make it into this garlic pesto!