lemon and oregano grilled chicken
yield8 thighs
This recipe for lemon and oregano grilled chicken is fresh from Martha Stewart’s website, but that’s OK, she probably stole it off someone else anyway. #topical
This recipe couldn’t be easier, so even your hamfisted attempts at clarting about in the kitchen can’t end in disaster. Make the marinade, leave it to sit and then grill it! BBQ or normal grill, who cares – end result is tasty chicken!
DON’T be tempted to skip the oil, for goodness sake. It adds a bit of succulence and for crying out loud, if you’re having a BBQ, better to spend the syns on something tasty than an arseholes-and-eyelashes burger from Aldi? Yes?
Looking for something to serve this with: try using the same ingredients to make a batch of roast potatoes and, whilst you’ve got your grill hot and steamy, whack our peanut butter pork skewers on there!
- as many chicken thighs as you want, though this makes enough marinade for about eight – boneless is better, but if you’re alright with the thought of a bone in your mouth, and let’s be honest we’ve all read the graffiti in the bogs which confirms that fact, go with the bone
- 2 tablespoons of grated lemon zest
- 120ml of lemon juice (fresh, mind, don’t you be cheap about this)
- 2 tablespoons of olive oil (12 syns, which I’ve dividing between eight)
- two tablespoons of fresh oregano if you have it (finely chopped) or dried if you’re a Dismal Deirdre
- good pinches of salt and ground pepper
- fresh oregano sprigs if you’re that way inclined
- look, there’s two ways of approaching this – make your choice:
- I’m a hussy: OK, leave the skin on the chicken, it’s tasty, but you should syn it…should…but well, you know…
- I’m a nun: take off the skin, throw it in the bin, sob silently into your sleeve at what a monster you’ve become
- whichever way you choose, prick the chicken all over with a fork
- the next step is to combine all the ingredients together and give those chicken thighs a good rub, you saucy minx
- leave to marinate for as long as you dare
- BBQ for however long it takes for the juices to run clear and the internal temperature reaches over 74 degrees in the thickest part of the chicken
- you can, of course, grill in the oven – same rules apply!
Serve with salad!